(npr, order, colour, hel, pow=None, gs=None)¶ Extracts a specific contribution to the amplitude of the process with process number
, according to the values ofpow
.- Parameters
npr (int) – process number
order (str) –
loop-order of the contribution
order = ‘LO’: tree squared amplitude
order = ‘NLO’: loop squared amplitude
order = ‘NLO-D4’: loop squared amplitude, bare loop contribution
order = ‘NLO-CT’: loop squared amplitude, counterterms contribution
order = ‘NLO-R2’: loop squared amplitude, rational terms contribution
colour (int[l]) – colour structure which is a vector of type integer and length l, where each position in the vector corresponds to one of the l external particles of process
(ordered as in the process definition). For colourless particles, incoming quarks and outgoing anti-quarks, the corresponding entry in colour must be 0. For all other particles (gluons, outgoing quarks and incoming anti-quarks), the entries must be, without repetition, the positions of the gluons, incoming quarks and outgoing anti-quarks in the process definition.hel (int[l]) –
helicity (array) with entries:
left-handed fermions/antifermions: -1
right-handed fermions/antifermions: +1
logitudinal vector bosons: 0
transverse vector bosons: -1, +1
scalar particles: 0
pow/gs (int[]) – array with values representing the powers in fundamental couplings in the order as dictated by the model file, e.g. [2, 3] \(\equiv g_\mathrm{s}^2 e^3\), or, if supported by the model, the power in terms of \(g_\mathrm{s}\) only (power in \(e\) is determined automatically from the underlying process)
- Returns
(Ar, Ai)
- Return type
(float, float)